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Landmarks in the History of Science » Physics-Astronomy » Il valore delle leggi statistiche nella fisica e nelle scienze sociali, 1942, rare 1st Ed. [The Value of Statistical Laws...]

Il valore delle leggi statistiche nella fisica e nelle scienze sociali, 1942, rare 1st Ed. [The Value of Statistical Laws...]

Autor: Ettore Majorana
     (1906 - ?)

Cod: 7319
In stoc: Da

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''Majorana already possessed such an erudition and had reached such a high level of comprehension of physics that he was able to speak on the same level with Fermi about scientific problems. Fermi himself held him to be the greatest theoretical physicist of our time. He often was astounded […]. I remember exactly these words that Fermi spoke: If a problem has already been proposed, no one in the world can resolve it better than Majorana.’'

                                            (See, Bruno Pontecorvo, 1972)


''In the essay 'Valore delle leggi statistiche nella fisica e nelle scienze sociali' ('Role of statistical laws in physics and social sciences') written during the period of isolated life in 1934 – 1937, Majorana wrote: 'A radioactive atom’s disintegration can force an automatic reactor to register it with a mechanical effect made possible by adequate amplification. Thus ordinary laboratory equipment is sufficient to prepare an extremely complex and showy sequence of phenomena set off by the accidental disintegration of a single radioactive atom. From a strictly scientific point of view there is nothing to stop us from considering as plausible that an equally simple, invisible and unpredictable vital phenomenon might be the cause of human existence'.

In our view, this fragment should be juxtaposed with the problem, touched upon by Schrödinger in his seminal paper about paradox named later in his honor as 'paradox of the Schrödinger cat'. (This paper appeared in 1935 and we refrain from discussion whether or not Majorana read it.) Schrödinger wrote that in a closed space the event of decay of a radioactive atom (which happens or does not happen with certain probabilities according to the laws of quantum mechanics) can trigger a chain of consequences resulting in death of a cat situated there. Thus, laws of quantum mechanics are applied to macroscopic objects, life and death forming a kind of superposition of different states. If our supposition is correct, Majorana intended to model 'superposition' of state of his own life and death.''

                      O. B. Zaslavskii, Ettore Majorana: Quantum Mechanics of Destiny, July 15, 2006, p. 10


Il valore delle leggi statistiche nella fisica e nelle scienze sociali / [The Value of Statistical Laws in Physics and Social Sciences] 1st Edition. Very rare article written by Majorana, and published posthumously by his best friend Giovanni Gentile Jr. in "Scientia" Vol. LXXI, No. CCCLVIII-IX - 2-3, February, March, 1942, pp. 58-66; soft covers; fine condition.

We added:
Ettore Majorana: Über die Kerntheorie / [On Nuclear Theory] in Zeitschrift für Physik, 82, 137-145, (1933): the foundation of nuclear physics.
Price: $ 40,000.00 (total price)